Daily Archives: March 28, 2011

All The Earth Is A Place Of Prostration (Hadith No. 235)


Prayer is obligatory on all Muslims, despite their skin color, their financial status, their culture, race, geography etc. So no matter where we are, we have to pray when it’s time for Salah. Oh and save your excuses, because you don’t need a mosque/prayer rug to pray, as the whole Earth is made a ‘masjid‘ (place of prostration) for us.

Volume 1, Book 4, Number 235:

Narrated Anas:

Prior to the construction of the mosque, the Prophet offered the prayers at sheep-folds.

This Hadith reminded me of a nasheed/song “The Crazy Spots I’ve Prayed” by Dawud Wharnsby Ali. Give it a listen!



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